Answers to our most commonly asked questions...

Not really. We have worked with virtually every type of organizational culture and every level of employee from non-supervisory levels to all levels of leaders including first line supervisors, middle managers, directors, vice presidents, directors and C-suite. We also relate quite well to various size organizations and have interacted effectively with small and large organizations.

While it would be quite easy for us to include our services in an internet and telephone based format, we believe that a one-on-one presence has always and will always serve our clients needs best. After years of experience we can attest first hand that there is no substitute for in-person interaction. We are committed to serving our clients needs in the best possible way so that they can get on with their lives in the most sensible and practical manner.

While experience is a consideration when choosing an HR consulting company, that alone is not what makes us successful. We have firsthand experience in working in corporate settings so we’ve seen it all. We relate to company culture extremely well because we lived it. In the end though, we have the ability to relate and successfully interact with all levels in your organization.  

While we primarily provide a foundation of HR services, we also spend considerable time with strategic planning initiatives, maximizing cash flow, revenue enhancement and expense cutting strategies, downsizing and any number of services related to growing your company.  

Absolutely. If you don’t see a program or service on our website give us a call. Chances are we have experience in your area of interest. We’ve developed over 150 programs over the years.

Most definitely. In fact, most of our clients these days are family owned businesses. We specialize in helping these companies grow, introduce operational and strategic initiatives and develop succession planning programs. We get excited about preparing the next generation to take over.

Yes, and we even prefer that. The vast majority of our clients are on a retainer basis so that they can take advantage of our array of products and services on a regular unlimited basis. So if you have ongoing needs, or need frequent HR needs, being on a retainer basis is the way to go. It’s more cost effective and you can avail yourself to our services anytime of day.

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